Thinking long-term is a challenge for most companies. This objective consists of planning an organisation's development for the futureto achieve it. goals to achieve it. This solution is recommended for entrepreneurs and leaders who see opportunities in their market and want to lead their organisation to this path of success.
"In the New World, it is not the big fish that eats the little fish. It is the fast fish that eat the slow fish" Klaus Schwab
Strategic Formulation is a four-way process that helps companies align their organisational culture with their strategic ambition (long-term vision). By developing a clear competitive positioning and defining strategic projects, we ensure the perpetuity of the organisation.
Advantages: Engage the team in a common goal, prioritise strategic decisions, defend against competition, seize market opportunities and keep up to date with market trends and changes.
This happens through 5 steps:
1 - Where we are - Business Diagnosis;
Interviews with management and partners, analysis of the business model and financial and economic situation.
2 - Where we want to go - Definition of the Strategic Problem;
Interviews with stakeholders, alignment of the organisational culture and definition of the Vision
3 - What is holding us back - Identifying Strategic Issues;
Internal and external analysis, prioritisation of battles (issues that hinder us).
4 - What we need to do - Defining Strategic Options;
Ideate and evaluate alternatives to overcome the issues, choose and develop the projects.
5 - Consolidate - Strategic Workshop
Validate the strategy and define those responsible and deadlines for implementation
Management by Guidelines has as its main focus the unfolding of the company's global goals for all hierarchical levels until reaching the operation.
This happens through 3 steps:
1 - Definition of the President's Goals;
Identification of which objectives are fundamental for the long-term "survival" of the company.
2 - Breakdown of the Goals;
The "survival goals" established should be unfolded for the hierarchical levels down to the operational level.
3 - Elaboration of Actions and Follow-up;
For each level, Action Plans are drawn up to achieve the targets. Furthermore, monitoring rituals are structured to guarantee results.